» Featured song: 君に願いを
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
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» Featured song: 君に願いを
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
shafiqah othman.
soundtracks to my soul ♥
Friendster MySpace e-mail: zhafhiey@hotmail.com MSN: ixixy@hotmail.com MIYAVI, my hero. He changed my life, he cleaned me up, he found my heart like only HE can. He made me discover myself, he's my drive, my inspiration, my voice, my soul, my song, my heart, my hero. ♥ I don't think I can ever have built a passion and found a dream if I had never found him. He makes my day each time, and every song he has written is etched in my mind, my heart and my soul. I am very protective of this man because I don't like people making fun of whoever it is that has left an impact in my life. He is all I need right now to keep me going to achieve my dreams. And don't be jealous that a guy in magenta nail polish can get more chicks than you. GERARD WAY, the first. He is undeniably an awesome person with a wonderful personality. He is always all-smiles and not forgetting he has a lovely smile. Whoever fails to love this man fails so much, because they are definitely blind. I knew him before I knew Miyavi, and he did the first few jobs to straightening my life out before handing it all over to him. He got married to someone else already, but I am happy for him, of course I am (: He has been the bestest there is for the past 2 years I was obsessed over him.
BILL KAULITZ, my porcupine. Bill makes awesome music and he, although young, is very talented and expressive. Miyavi is more expressive than he is, but hey! Bill just turned 19, and he definitely has a long way to go. He earned success through hard work and diligence, and for that, I love him to bits. He hasn't really done anything to change my life, but he's wonderful nonetheless. And yes, it's a he. A guy who happens to have long hair so you people think he's a girl. A guy whose face is effeminate and prettier than all you other guys out there. You're just jealous that a guy in black nailpolish can earn more chicks than you, just like Miyavi. WILLIAM BECKETT, my laughing gas. He's cute, I know. He's funny, even more. He's tall, has a great smile, wonderful personality, great sense of humor, wonderful singing voice, he's so... wow. I am not in love with him, but I pretty much look up to him and his group of friends, which includes oddities like Chislett, Mike Carden, Sisky and The Butcher to always make me feel better on days I'm feeling quite blue. They never fail to slap a smile onto my face because they are awesome and funny like that. Whoever has not seen these guys in action, but go and watch them ASAP because they. are. the. shiz. Great humourous bunch of people, who make awesome music as well. Who can't possibly love them!?
JOE JONAS, satisfaction
People who know me well, know damn well I do not like this guy. I don't even like him now, I'm just in this for the thrill. So yea, I don't hate him as much as I used to, but I don't like him much either. But, I'll have you know he's a damn good kisser and I should know, yes, I should know. And his saliva tastes like cherry/mint. No, don't even ask. Oooo, scandalous. And I just thought that after everything that happened, he deserved at least a mention for satisfying my lust.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Studying Jap nao. Shush.
10:25 PM
I love this song. I can't believe it's sung by Malaysians. Has got to be one of the best Malaysian songs I've ever heard since moving here.
10:03 PM
Seen it loads of times, half the world probably has seen it, but for awesome's sake, and because you know this'll never get old, I'll post it up on my blog because talent like Hayley's kicks your ass any day. If Hayley becomes like Avril, I'm killing myself aka NEVER. And I got started on a "Dear My Friend" artwork. I'm planning to make it look soft and very heartwarming. *fuzzfuzz*
6:06 AM
I miss Da Qiao, 6 Ruby and my teachers... Damn this bloody computer for having such an effed up writing pads. Now I can't write any shit.
5:24 AM
I fail much at Japanese, BUT I WON'T GIVE UP. I can read the first 2 paras of 君に願いを now ^^ Aren'tcha proud, bitchez. I'm learning Kanji at the same time too, fuh. But I still prefer Hiraglish. べかうせ いt’s そ えあsy と wりて、 よう kのw。 みやび cれあてd てぃs うぇいrd ぁんぐあげ へ かっぇd ”ねお じゃぱねせ”、 ぶt えんでdうp、 へ かんt うんでrsたんd いt ひmせlf。 い sちll ぃけ うしんg いt てょうgh。 いt ぉおks そ こんふしんg、 はH! Tata lovelies. If I'm kind enough, I may tell you what it means.
3:49 AM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Next time you biatchez have to dance for something, dance THIS.
5:57 PM
もう夢でもかまわない。 Aaaaah~
2:56 PM
KOICHI IS SO CUTE <3 Yay done.
1:43 PM
My Personality
2:32 AM
I want a webcam, so that I can quickly send in the Happy Birthday video. Aaaah~ Maybe tomorrow? [I hope] HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAAIQA! I know it's YOUR present, but I totally can't wait to try out your helicopter.
1:03 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I FECKING LOVE ALL MY KOMIYAVIS <3 Special mention to: TAL, GIZ AND JOOOOOYCE ♥ I love MK so much <3 I am just in a very mushy mood right now~ I love you aaaallll~ *hughughug* I love Caitlin, Sai, Serena, Terri, Yuuki, LYYYYNNN <3333 ♥ I iz drunk. Sowweh.
5:39 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I GOTS PICTURES FROM A RIGHT-CLICK-DISABLED SITE. Not like I am not the only person who can do that, but what I have done must have been the smartest thing I have ever thought of xD The pics are sexaye.
11:52 PM
MY NAME IS SHAFIQAH OTHMAN. I AM FELLOW KOMIYAVI. I LOVE MIYAVI. Sorry, that was so damn GAY. I did that just to see if I could get myself onto the first few pages of Google.
2:09 AM
I always think of you when I try to cross that endless ocean. As long as my stars are guiding me, I don't know how much time I need. My dreams sometimes look so far away, And I feel like I am lost. There are angels all around me. They give me faith and hope with wings to fly. And I have to fly right now to the skies to find tomorrow. I keep calling you but there's no answer from you. I'm drifting all by myself. So many tears are falling down. I always only think of you when I try to cross that endless ocean. As long as my stars are guiding me I don't know how much time I need. It's a miracle that we can find each other in this world. Don't know how far it is to get there. But we know we're always happy. Cause we're trying to look for our dreams, Together. I found this song through TN. The game is kinda a child's game, but I loved the song so much <3
1:29 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
えいごわかるか? Can you understand English? すこしにほんごわかる I understand a little Japanese. わからない! I don't understand! ねむいよ I'm tired. むずかしだよ It's hard. みんな! がんばります! Everyone! Do your best! I need to put it here. Sorry. Heh.
11:34 PM
11:16 PM
I found another Deviant idol to be added to my watch list. (I do not have DA) treeworshipper . 382 . I like her art <3 All those splashy thingies and all. I want to it someday. She has awesome Miyavi artwork too, ♥ bonus for that.
11:12 AM
That aside, I translated this too. てゃんks ふぉr うr すっぽrts、 あんd いm れあっly ほねれd と pらy おn sたげ うぃth う ぐys。 はっpy びrthだy!! YAY FOR HIRAGLISH <3
1:03 AM
I'm currently trying to memorize my Hiragana, and it's hard, but I am proud to say that I have memorized some <3 I managed to translate this all by myself, おやす雅 !!! <3 Yea, so it's short, but at least it's an improvement xD
12:32 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
symbel21I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER. I fucking love this person. Said this millions of times, will say this again. There is a reason why I love Miyavi despite the fact I know shit about Japanese and I detested Visual Kei and Japanese music before this. He is very different, and deserves whatever he has right now. Or maybe even more. World peace through music.
7:11 PM
fearandwonderrThis is very very very true. Miyavi is indeed very talented, and I doubt he will die out, burn out very soon. Everything this person said, I can't put it into words any better. People who think Miyavi is a girl and stuff, should just open up and do your damn research. Miyavi isn't a girl. He may seem like one, but he DEFINITELY isn't. olivesmilesink You probably asking why I care so much now... It's cause I'm just like that. This man friggin changed my life, you think I want to see you idiots pummel him to the floor with insults? No.
7:00 PM
I just found something on YouTube which I totally agree to 100%, so I shall credit that person. Ladyhorde It's so true. Miyavi isn't rap, hip hop, rock, jazz, blues, whatever. He's MIYAVI, genreless mix made in Zipang. Yea, I think some people can recognize where that came from. Tapdancers, beatboxers, DJs, painters, drummers, awesome guitar solos. This man, like what Ladyhorde said, is TOTALLY going down in history.
6:12 PM
"Have your own way. You the way you are. Young like you are. It's ok to believe in what you want to believe, in a generation where only the adults seem to know what is right and what is wrong Don't get off track, don't kill yourself, you can spit before your lose sight of it. Do what just what you can. Even if you screw up royally. Someday it'll be a laughing story for you." Now people know why I always believe and trust myself so much? Why I am the way I am, and why I refuse to change for people? It's okay to be who I am, to believe in what I believe in, even though it seems like right now, only the adults seem to know what is right and what is wrong. Who I am, and what I am, will probably be engraved in my history. And currently, I am moulding myself to be who I want myself to be, I'm still trying to find a groove. I'm constantly changing, and that is just the way I am, and I won't change. I won't get off track. And I will do what I can do. I promise. "Eternity, how meaningless. No meaning, no meaning. Being understood has meaning. Even if assuming that this world is all lies, as for me you are not to be concerned. Even if everything is gone tomorrow entirely, You being there, just as I am here now, would be fine." Eternity is meaningless, everything comes to an end all the time. But I can definitely say your words shall go on centuries from now. Being understood does have a meaning, and that's what you're doing. Despite the fact that we're a different race, different religion, different skin, different country, we're living in the same generation and I can understand you, like how you can understand me, understand us. This world may be all lies, but I trust you, just like how you trust all of us.
2:57 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I've ran out of cookies, and my inspiration has run dry. I need to think up of a birthday present for Miyavi. Help, anyone? Abah allows me to send it to PSC, so yay, and I will. I... just need to know what to do for him ><
10:58 PM
Yay, I have the EXACT SAME sunglasses. Maybe not exactly the same, but from what I see, it does seem exactly the same. Hurrah <3
10:53 PM
I FOUND OUT HIS NAME <33 But I don't know how to spell it, but meh. I FOUND OUT HIS NAME <33 Hahaha, omg I'm such an idiot.
10:02 PM
I SO TOTALLY RULE AND YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME. It was meant to be Miyavi's birthday present, but I finished it too fast >< It's okay, meh, maybe I can make a new one or till then improve on this one. Sorry for the dark shadows at the top, the pic was taken near a wall. The camera totally took away the niceness of the portrait xD I mean... it looks much better in real life, as always. But anyways, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, and it only took me a day <3 THE GREAT QO PREVAILS.
1:35 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
WENT OUT TODAY. It was kinda fun. I bought a lot of drawing materials, because I'm an art freak like that. I finished my Miyavi sketch today, and I finished another one today. It isn't much of a sketch, because it's a picture I took out of my head, and I am proud to say it looks AWESOME, except for the small jaw. I'm such a damn wannabe. Raaiqa has kewl glasses, I know. And here's proof Miyavi is so friggin manly and sexy. NO NO SHUT UP, I KNOW I AM SUCH A FREAKY FANGIRL. So Miyavi's being such a sweetheart, and Saichon is torturing him by booking interviews. HAHA! Piggy manager. You always know how to make my day <3 I want that darn Popcorn magazine o: And whatever other magazines there are with Miyavi posters inside. A FEW MORE DAYS TO THE RELEASE OF AZN PRIDE! Tsurezure Naru Hibi Naredo PV, HERE I COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME~
11:45 PM
I initially wanted to make a The Beginning of Neo Visualizm Tour 2007 review but guess what? I couldn't. Because Miyavi's lives are too good to put into words, it's just better if you watched everything yourself. I watched it again yesterday, but only stopped till Selfish Love. That's like, the first song! Haha! That's because I decided to watch Miyavi perform at the Rocking Mama festival. Oh good God, it was so great. Although I admit that his voice there wasn't at his best, for some reason, but the dance moves surely make up for it. He can dance! Oh, that and I watched the 25th Anniversary special part DVD a few days ago, and woah, Miyavi can tapdance! Damn all-rounder. Like what Isabelle said, the Gods must have been too generous. I also watched the concert footage of Miyavi in Deutschland, that's Germany for all you losers, which came from the Subarashikikana Kono Sekai Type A. I liked that DVD, it was kinda cute! But those girls stalking him and giggling were kinda irritating. Not that I wouldn't do the same if I saw him walking in the streets. Seriously, he walked in the streets! What the hell, so friggin brave. When he and Tyko did some beatboxing at the train station, you could hear some idiots cheer on. But all in all, an adorable DVD <3 Meeeh, I slept at 6 am and now it's 11.10 am. I'm so tired and sleepy and I still have to go out later. Laaazy. Oh, and for those of you skeptical people, Miyavi has muscles and he's so damn sexy with it. I have a photo, I'll post it up later. Please tell me that 1700+ images are too little, because I think it is and everyone is trying to tell me otherwise.
11:03 AM
The coincidences can never get scarier. So I think I have mentioned this before, I shall mention this again. Miyavi was born on 14 September 1981. And I was born on 15 September 1994. I am 14 years old, and he is 14 years older than I am, and my MP4, Zen, was released last year on his birthday. I like men with charisma and attitude, and just so happens he has it. And I found out today from a friend that he doesn't like ketchup either. SCARY. o.o EDIT: And he likes sausages too. What the hell, the coincidences are killing me. I've fallen in love with this song. And woah, I don't know what took me so long to notice. Miyavi has violet/purple hair in this video! I kinda like it <3 I fell in love with song again too. Oh dammit, his lives are so beautiful, I fall in love with songs I didn't like initially. Miyavi is powerful like that. HI NO HIKARI IS IN TOP 10 ON ORICON CHARTS. I am so fucking proud <3
1:00 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I bought a dragon claw earring that looks like Miyavi's today! No photos yet, soon. I was watching YouTube videos of Miyavi since yesterday. Meh, I rewatched, to be precise. Anyways, I seriously need to stop dying. What's with me and falling asleep for 2 hours everytime I am waiting for a YouTube video to load? Mehhh.
11:57 PM
It's 5 am. I am bored. I am watching YouTube videos. MIYAVI, yes. And I shall post some up here, because I like them. I like this live version because it really sounds like it's more of recorded. It's a very nice song too. Yappari Megumi Ga Suki. For those who don't know, it means "I Definitely Love Megumi". No, Miyavi's girlfriend is not Megumi. He wrote this song for the LFX DJ, for his wife. Isn't it nice? To have someone write and sing a song on behalf of you for your wife? I like how Miyavi's hair parting is so distinct here too. Another Yappari Megumi Ga Suki video. The super duper excellent song in the beginning is Shoukyo to Sakujyo, one of my absolute faves. The Dokusou version that it. This version is somehow more... soft, and I like it. I like both versions in fact. I like listening to same songs with different feelings in it. Miyavi is a great example. This song by the way, is one of my faves as well. Oh fuck it, all his songs are. Ooooh, the recorded version of this song is BEAUTIFUL, and this live version is no different. Sekai Wa Kimi Wo Aishiteru is definitely one of my toptoptop songs, because of the refreshing sound it has in it's music. Senor Senora Senorita acoustic is one of the most nicest I have ever heard, and seeing it live is even better. I like this song, because it sounds great, and the music video is kinda goofy, but I like it nonetheless. There's nothing much I can say about this, I just like the video. Are You Ready To Rock?!?!?!?!?! I friggin love this video. I think he has the best guitar-slap display in the beginning, and the whole vid and the song is just rocking, even though he sounds more like he's saying "ROCK'S FUCK." instead of "ROCK IS BACK." But I still love this video. Nicenicenice. I love this version of Are You Ready To Rock. It's very different, and refreshing, yet it still maintains the "rock" essence. It's taken from the 25 Shunen Kinen Koen Tokyo Geijutsu Gekijo 5 Days -Dokuso- DVD. I simply love every live performance in this DVD, but I shall not post everything up because that'll just be too much. My personal favourites are the lives of Please, Please, Please, Mata Yume De Aimashou, Fuminshou No Nemurihime and Oretachi Dake no Fighting Song. Okay, that's enough I guess. I'll be watching more videos, and probably not posting until later in the afternoon. I love his live videos so so so much.
5:00 AM
Miyavi said "fucking" omg Miyavi said "fucking" HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH *slaps self* Enough fangirl-ing. I THOUGHT he said it, turns out he really did say it. It's... cute? DAMMIT, IT'S CUTE WHY WHY WHYYYY. I'm so dumb. He curses and it's cute.
4:12 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I made wallpapers! It's all the same concept, but then there are some minor tweaks I did to some, which resulted to many different wallpapers. Minor tweaks only, don't worry. I doubt you can notice it unless I state it. Size is 1024 x 768. Ironic, because it isn't big enough for my screen. Maybe it is for yours, whatever. NORMAL: SYMMETRICAL: (the back design being symmetrical) OUTER GLOW: (the back design only) SYMMETRICAL OUTER GLOW: They're not that good, because I generally don't do wallpapers. I was actually planning on colourizing the Miyavi, but Iskandar said it's better off as the original, so okay. I'm gonna take one of the above to make a wallpaper/calendar one day. Not now. I think making calendars are a hassle, but never mind. It's who? MIYAVI!
9:08 PM
MEET MY FUGLY FANART. It is fugly, considering the fact it looks like crap compared to my sketches and manga-styled drawings. I drew that without reference, and just a picture based in my head. Now I think he'd look better with the cap on. He looks too woman and what's with the "head-bigger-than-body" distortion!? What's wrong with you Shafiqah!? But I still posted it up because it's my drawing, and I have every right to put up my drawing, ugly, or not. I'm kinda satified with this, because I think FOR A FIRST PICTURE without reference, I think it turned out decent. Still fugly though. NEXT UP, complete the damn colour sketch, which I have been taunting people with. PS. I think my S button is working alright now. *is happy*
5:15 PM
Okay, I would just like to say this. To people who think Miyavi is gay because he looks like a woman, Go do your research before slandering someone's name, alright? I KNOW, Miyavi looks like a woman, but do YOU know what he looked like before his initial Kabuki Rock look? No! You don't! So why are you talking so much? Just because a man wears makeup and eyeliner, it does not make him gay. Even if he is, why are you poking fun? Are you homophobic? Stop making fun, seriously. What Miyavi is doing is basically just a phase, and he's probably gonna change his looks sooner or later. He is a VISUAL ROCK ARTIST, and he has every right to change his styles. He does not look like a woman, not even the slightest bit, but ever since he got long hair and started wearing thick eye makeup, yes I admit, he does look like a woman at times. But if you make fun at him because of that, I am seriously going to facepalm. He does not ACT, TALK and WALK like a woman. He does not SOUND like a woman, he is NOT a woman. It's so ridiculous! Stop telling me/us/them that Miyavi is a WOMAN in disguise. Do your research, douchebag! "But he kisses guys!" Yes, I know he kisses guys, but he is 100% straight. Not bending, he ain't bisexual either. Don't ask me how I know for sure, Miyavi has said it outright on stage himself. Kissing between Jrock artistes are just for fanservice, and Miyavi is interested only in girls. Don't ask me whether he is telling the truth, I trust him like how I trust my family. Stupid ain't it? I feel so close to someone who I am so far away from. Yeah, he likes pink. So what? Only women can like pink? Can we break down the walls of these dumb stereotypes, just like how Miyavi is trying to break down the wall of the Vkei stereotype? So, I took the first 2 images that caught my eye found on the first page of my Photobucket Miyavi album. I AM SO SORRY THESE LOOK LIKE A WOMAN TO YOU. You must be blind, or retarded for that matter.
3:48 PM
What I like about this blogskin is that I don't have to write ----- after every post on the same day from now on. Because now they have this grey line underneath. Look below, see see see! And there's time too! Yay! And also because it's Miyavi hoho.
3:31 PM
Found some beautiful live pictures of Miyavi from Koffel. Very beautiful <3 May come in handy for graphics! OH YES. WALLPAPER! Wee. PS. Yes, I am posting from the wee hours of the morning. Wee indeed.
5:46 AM
So I have some song covers and I wonder why the hell my voice sound 10 times higher on the microphone. SO IRRITATING. Sarah says:EVERYONE'S BEEN LIVING A LIE. I'VE BEEN LIVING A LIE. Goddarnit, MAAAAANNNN T^T
4:53 AM
So I changed my blogskin. FINALLY. *ooh, cat noises outside* Anyway, YAY, I changed my blogskin. But this layout pretty much means my previous posts will all look screwed up. Oh my gawd, there are cats fighting outside my house o: Okay, back on topic, no I haven't done any nice Miyavi graphics YET. As of now. But I do have some nice ones to share because... This skin has wide enough space to show it! Not really, it' because the page will stretch accordingly. *rejoice* Yea, I just started working with glitter. Doesn't look that good though. I shall work on my Miyavi wallpaper... soon.
2:46 AM
The "S" letter on this fucking keyboard is screwed. I'M TYPING REAL HARD RIGHT NOW, just to get the dumb letter out. Anyway, I made another Miyavi fanart. But my camera died, so I'll upload it tomorrow. I'm planning on making a September calendar for Miyavi, and for my own personal use as well. Miyavi's birthday will be a fanclub only event, how lucky can those Japanese get? And I really want that new DVD of the Finale. I heard from Tal the Finale was a BLAST, and it was awesome! She saw Gackt, and met Yorke and the Kavki Girlz. Sheesh, I wish I was there. I downloaded CS2, and it works kinda great. Mainly because I have managed to get those Japanese Foliage brushes I was itching to get my hands on since last year. Awesome shiz. So it' 12.52 am and I'm bored. I fell asleep just now and now I can't sleep. Meh, never mind. Will do some Miyavi graphics. I have done a lot, which I have not posted here, cause either they're too big, or I'm lazy. I really need a place to put my stuff up. I wanna go Kino soon, even though I'm lacking thousands of dollars. But who cares. I wanna know if they have that volume there. 44 pages of goodness! Who doesn't want? *wiggles eyebrows*
12:50 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
AVAST ANTIVIRUS = EPIC FAIL. Seriously, ever since that thing's been installed into the laptop, it's been lagging and even shutting off when it thinks the "virtual memory" is too much. What the FUCK. I am so going to uninstall this thing. What does Abah see in it!? My damn PhotoShop document disappeared along with it. Darn it. That aside, YAY MIYAVI! <3 Grand Finals are near over, or is it already? I hope Tal had a great time weeee <3 People, go Snopes. It's very interesting! http://www.snopes.com
6:00 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
So I watched something today, that made me cry. And that only made me watch more videos of it. Very heart-warming, touching and so much more. This really proves that animals have feelings. And what makes it even more unbelievable and touching is that it's a wild animal. I love videos like these. Something that I will probably remember. "Love knows no limits and true friendships last a lifetime."
8:58 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Two things. ONE. That meliwat thing is just so "wtf"-ing. I don't have any smart comments on that, all I have to say is, WHAT!? Zakar masuk lubang jubo!? ON TELEVISION, what in the world. SECOND. As much as I did not like the event just now because it's so goddamn boring and badly done, I'm kinda glad I went. I BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, but this is ridiculous! It's not even love in the first place, I think. And this is after countless of sights. Dammit. OKAY DONE. TOMORROW IS GRAND FINALS, yay for Tal! Lucky lucky :D Remember to tell what happened yo. OMG NO I CAN'T ENTER MK. WHAT'S THIS!? WHAZZISSSSSS. -----
11:35 PM
FINE, GO AND ANNOUNCE TO THE WHOLE WORLD YOU GOT AN IPHONE. GO GO GO. YOU THINK I'M JEALOUS HUH HUH HUH. And no, you're not an idiot, idiot xD But still you couldn't resist the temptation of getting one, so I guess that makes you an idiot a little. YOU DEFEATED YOURSELF! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SEE, I TOLD YOU I'M NOT JEALOUS. I want an iPhone T^T. -----
7:06 PM
Just when I was feeling pissed about the fact that my dreams about getting into an Art School was crushed, I heard you say this. There's one thing I want you to remember. You can never fly in the sky as long as you are just looking up. Sometimes you have to grovel in the dirt, clamp your teeth shut and have an awful time.. and then you may finally be able to fly in the sky.. or you may not. And you know we love you. I love you. Very much. Thank you (: -----
4:32 PM
I'm not in love. This is not my heart. I'm not gonna waste these words. ♥
5:47 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I made something at the wee hours of the morning because I am bored. I'm not supposed to be, because technically I am supposed to be in bed, and as everyone knows, if my mum finds out I am still awake, I would probably get a whole load of scolding. But people who love me and know me should know that I don't care. The photos might stretch OUT of the blog, but never mind eh. That's the origina sie of it, and I am too lazy to resize it. WOOHOO, KIMI NI FUNKY MONKEY VIBRATIOOOOOOON <33 Sorry, the song started playing. I hate how dark backgrounds make my GIFs look fugly. Damn you dark backgrounds.
2:56 AM
I am friggin addicted to Mamagoto. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. THE LIVE IS SO BEAUTIFUL FSDHCNFSXHFJA And just some random stuff here. OMG THEY'VE BEEN UPDATING LIKE CRAZY, I luffs you people <3 Miyavi's pure English song... doesn't sound like him? xD But the... bad English kinda makes up for it. I shall ask KoMiyavis for confirmation. And I wants to buy the Miyavi Photobook, yeas manz. I am going to save up money! You know, I am really bored at home. People are rushing off to bed to go to school early the next day, whereas I have nothing to look forward to the next day, thus I stay up late until 4 am. And only because I like torturing you little idiots who look at my blog despite knowing the fact that it has been Miyavi-infested since the past month or so, here are 2 photos of Miyavi for you, LOSERZ. <3 Actually no, it's more of Kimi Ni Negai Wo without blonde hair... Oh never mind, I think you get what I mean. He's an absolutely gorgeous, inspirational, life-changing man. I have said this, I shall say this again. Thank God for his existance. -----
1:06 AM
Yeh, he's cool <3 http://usher.esplanade.com/Band/BandVoting.aspx And do the Great Qo a favour, and vote for Peepshow kay? :)
12:25 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
THIS ROOM IS SO BLOODY COLD, ahhh. Cool, Abah knows I'm not sleeping and he didn't say anything, except for "Don't forget to switch off the internet." Now I am really sad. And desperate... NOT FOR A BOY, you dumbasses For a Miyavi poster. SHUT UP, I know I am very fangirly, but... My Arena37C feels so incomplete seeing someone took off with the poster. WHOEVER IT WAS THAT STOLE IT, I hope you get fucked inside out by an elephant. Well, at least the magazine is still wimme <3 *kisskisshughug magazine* Whoever in Malaysia or Singapore and has a Miyavi poster up for sale, PLEASE tell me. tysmilysfmtcbbomgwtfbbq :D ... So... cold... PS: I wanna make Wake Up Honey my alarm tone, Koi wa Push Phone as my ringtone, and... some song for my message tone. I'll get back to that some other time. Eh, those songs aren't even confirmed yet, I just thought up of them on the spot. All his songs are too good :\ And can you believe it. I am in Iskandar's room, he is sleeping, and I am blasting Mamagoto on my laptop. A wonder no one has woken yet.
2:12 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Okay I am really bored right now. *turns on Windows Media Player and plays Miyaviuta -Dokusou-* I LOVE this album. It's fucking classic <3 Miyavizm is so wild and loud, absolutely wonderful too. Meh, all his albums/singles are great. You'll never understand, UNLESS you're a Miyavi fan. Anyways, that aside, those stand-ups I made was out of boredom. The GIF ones looked effed up, but never mind eh? You don't know how many thousands of beautiful Miyavi pictures I went through. I initially wanted to make an 'evolution' pic, but there were too many photos... I TOLD YOU HE CHANGES HIS STYLE LIKE HE CHANGES HIS UNDERWEAR, but I like it anyway. Seriously, please peepoz. I do not like Miyavi just because he is hot. Just in case you're dumb or something, check the posts from this month's or last month's. I know I went on a long rant about it before, AND, I stated every single thing on why I love this man so much. DO YOU KNOW, DO YOU KNOW, DO YOU KNOW? SENRI-CHAN IS SO ADORABLE <3 I wanna bite her cheeks! Tyko must be a proud father, and don't worry, your princess is cute! That photo of Miyavi and Senri-chan's hands together is so beautiful <3 I am very sure Miyavi will be a great father. He loves Senri-chan to the core, what else his own child? Awww, as much as a tard he is, he's a very beautiful person on the inside you know. I am friggin addicted to Mamagoto. The song is just... woah. The live performance during The Beginning Of Neo Visualizm Tour is awesome too <3 It's GREAT. I shall say this again. It takes a lot of patience and talent to perform something like that. *nods* Tal is going to Japan next weeeek, lucky! I wanna go see Miyavi too! xD Not anytime soon, but for now, I shall save up mah money. I'm going back to Singapore! *rejoice!* And when I do, I shall go to HMV to purchase a single. ANY RECOMMENDATIONS? I am tied between Subarashikikana Kono Sekai and Hi No Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De. Hi No Hikari is one of my faves... but Subarashikikana comes with Mata Yume De Aimashou which is loveloveloevloeloevleovleolveolvolvoevkdjnvj <33333333382. And both photoshoots are gorgeous. I IZ CONFUSED. Never mind, I shall get some KoMiyavi to help me ♥ Gawddamn, I am hungry. I want some chocofuck cookies. -----
11:23 PM
10:02 PM
I posted this on MK. I am pissed, so I ain't gonna repeat what happened. She looked through my magazine, and she told my grandmother I got the inspiration for my makeup from "this person". -----
3:28 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
That aside, I don't understand all this craze with "SCREAM MY NAME, BABY." Isn't that derived from... sex? You know, when the guy is humping the girl and he goes all "SAY MY NAME BABY, SAY MY NAME." and the girl will moan and.... okay never mind. Meh, whatever. I'm gonna make another MPU badge soon. And tomorrow I am going to Kinokuniya, and I am not prepared for the worst. Ya Allah, tolonglah ku ):
1:48 AM
I do not want a tagboard.