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I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
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I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
shafiqah othman.
soundtracks to my soul ♥
Friendster MySpace e-mail: zhafhiey@hotmail.com MSN: ixixy@hotmail.com MIYAVI, my hero. He changed my life, he cleaned me up, he found my heart like only HE can. He made me discover myself, he's my drive, my inspiration, my voice, my soul, my song, my heart, my hero. ♥ I don't think I can ever have built a passion and found a dream if I had never found him. He makes my day each time, and every song he has written is etched in my mind, my heart and my soul. I am very protective of this man because I don't like people making fun of whoever it is that has left an impact in my life. He is all I need right now to keep me going to achieve my dreams. And don't be jealous that a guy in magenta nail polish can get more chicks than you. GERARD WAY, the first. He is undeniably an awesome person with a wonderful personality. He is always all-smiles and not forgetting he has a lovely smile. Whoever fails to love this man fails so much, because they are definitely blind. I knew him before I knew Miyavi, and he did the first few jobs to straightening my life out before handing it all over to him. He got married to someone else already, but I am happy for him, of course I am (: He has been the bestest there is for the past 2 years I was obsessed over him.
BILL KAULITZ, my porcupine. Bill makes awesome music and he, although young, is very talented and expressive. Miyavi is more expressive than he is, but hey! Bill just turned 19, and he definitely has a long way to go. He earned success through hard work and diligence, and for that, I love him to bits. He hasn't really done anything to change my life, but he's wonderful nonetheless. And yes, it's a he. A guy who happens to have long hair so you people think he's a girl. A guy whose face is effeminate and prettier than all you other guys out there. You're just jealous that a guy in black nailpolish can earn more chicks than you, just like Miyavi. WILLIAM BECKETT, my laughing gas. He's cute, I know. He's funny, even more. He's tall, has a great smile, wonderful personality, great sense of humor, wonderful singing voice, he's so... wow. I am not in love with him, but I pretty much look up to him and his group of friends, which includes oddities like Chislett, Mike Carden, Sisky and The Butcher to always make me feel better on days I'm feeling quite blue. They never fail to slap a smile onto my face because they are awesome and funny like that. Whoever has not seen these guys in action, but go and watch them ASAP because they. are. the. shiz. Great humourous bunch of people, who make awesome music as well. Who can't possibly love them!?
JOE JONAS, satisfaction
People who know me well, know damn well I do not like this guy. I don't even like him now, I'm just in this for the thrill. So yea, I don't hate him as much as I used to, but I don't like him much either. But, I'll have you know he's a damn good kisser and I should know, yes, I should know. And his saliva tastes like cherry/mint. No, don't even ask. Oooo, scandalous. And I just thought that after everything that happened, he deserved at least a mention for satisfying my lust.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
but without you I'll be miserable at best. I'm trying my hardest, and the hardest part is letting go. I love you, but I can't. ----- OKAY BACK TO GOOD NEWS, I didn't go to school today, and I found out Linda isn't in school either HAHAHA. And for yesterday, I'm so sorry I cared.
2:50 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I've never felt this angry towards you before. Because of you, I most probably will not be able to finish work on time. I was on the verge of crying when I found out that you didn't take the initiative to wake me up and go "Hey! Get your work done!" Instead, you took advantage of the opportunity and just continued using the computer. I HAVE STUFF TO GET DONE, DON'T YOU KNOW. I EXPLAINED. WHAT IS IT ABOUT MY EXPLANATION THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Your sweet-talks will get you nowhere with me. You didn't even apologize. ARGH.
10:54 PM
Now in the Mac Lab doing some shitty music stuff. Okay, not shitty, kinda fun actually. After this is Literature, and no one has any idea where Mr K is. Okay, am done. I'll try post more when I come back home.
10:43 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Went to AMK Library with Iza and Bavani to study today. Had a great time :D Should do this again sometime, with more people. Will tell more if mum isn't actually nagging.
10:42 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
No one coming over. Everyone has no mood, even myself. Lazy, I should say. I do feel like going out to some NICELY AIR-CONDITIONED PLACE [compared to this stuffy house] to study with someone, but at the same time, I just feel like lying down on my bed and waste my time away. I wanna study Geography, Maths and those dumb Malay Peribahasa[s]. Speaking of revising, that reminds me of my English Summary Writing. I OVERSHOT BY 24 WORDS, noooooo~ [oh, I can hear my despair echoing] I got my testimonial already YAY! Ms Ng is so nice. I can see the disgust in her face. It's okay, I love you too HAHA. Shafiqah attended one and a half years of lower secondary education at Anderson Secondary School from 2007 to 2008.Reading that just makes me sad, I don't know why. Thinking of everything and everyone I'll leave behind. Nooo, nooo. Shafiqah don't crryyyy.
12:37 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Waiting in the comp lab for Tiq to finish her Literature class. With baby, Bavani. Me, Aqilah and Ttiq had a fun time covering songs. Especially for Your Guardian Angel, cause we couldn't sing the high parts, and instead of singing it, we just screamed really random stuffs. Fun, yea. Although the class was shit noisy. Ryan chased me during recess. Don't test my patience, young boy. Using Tiq's laptop. Kind of weird because I hardly even use a laptop. But slowly getting used to it. Tomorrow Atiqah and Bavani coming to my house. YAAAYYY. Maybe even Iza :D DANE COOK TURNS ME ON BABY!
"Well, what you don't know is that I have a fucking hologram of myself watching TV to thwart off criminals!"
3:35 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I hate you. I really do. I've had cases of love that were just infatuation, BUT THIS HATE I FEEL FOR YOU IS THE REAL THING. Because of everything that you said today, I just oversee all your good, and now, to me, you are nothing but a PIECE OF MEAT. Here's what I composed for you. How pathetically sad you are, you moronic ignoramus. You are a mentally backward Wai Siong's not a girl. If he is, you're a beast. What does it matter to you what Aqilah was writing on a piece of paper. Why, you hate getting challenged by a 14-year-old? Oh, I know, because I was the first person ever to go all "That was INSULTING." And you, thinking you're someone with a higher authority, thought you could get away with it. No one has ever spoken back to you eh? Well, too bad. I just did. I think I speak for everyone when I say that whatever it is that comes out from your filthy, foul-smelling mouth is hurtful. You like watching our ego crumble on ourselves, now I want to see yours get flushed down the toilet. Oh, yes, you did not insult me. But you insulted a friend of mine. Why did I get so worked up? BECAUSE IT WAS REALLY REALLY INSULTING. Imagine if I went up to you and said "Oh, you just proved yourself to be a girl!" Wow, I can see your balls retreating back deep into your body. And those little kids that love you so much, those that laugh for no particular reason at nothing, those who make lame jokes, those who think you're the best because you shower them with so much love, they HAVE to LEARN to see things OUR way. Just because you're biased to them, they think you're so wonderful. Well no, frankly, I used to like you, but now, you just suck. I've never looked down upon someone this bad before. I hate you. I really do. --- I have an exam tomorrow, and I am sitting here, in front of the computer, ranting my ass off on one of the worst people I have ever met in my life. I used to think he was good too, now, you're just awful, AWFUL.
8:30 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Don't. Do. It. I'm warning you, DON'T. Because that's MY idea, and don't YOU go around stealing it. Anyways, today was an alright day, I guess. Not as exciting as the rest. Oh, and I was late for Lit class. Not late late, but REAAAAALLLYYY LATE. [sorry Mr K] Because I stayed in the comp lab with Din. He used my face for an example. I don't know if I should feel flattered, because he happened to take a really ugly photo! But meh, I'm famous.
6:12 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Finished school at 10.40 am, and we went for Brunch at the Bubble Tea shop. Me, Sharm, Jay, Bavani, Ryan, Aqilah and Fifi. Atiqah wasn't there. We lost her :( Aqilah, Ryan and Bavani came to my house. Bavani had Speech Day, just like me. Ryan and Aqilah came for the fun of it. Bavs is just so excited at the fact she straightened her hair at my house. HAHA. So cute. From there, we went to AMK Hub for a quick walk. We actually did nothing there. I was in my ATC uniform, and boy was it hot. As in, warm hot, not hawt hot. Ryan went back home from thereeee, and then Bavani, Aq and I boarded 265 to go back to school. We met Sharmini on the bus. Abah told me he saw Sharmini, and he didn't notice I was in the bus until all of us dropped at Anderson Sec. He was sitting all the way back, and I was all the way front, so yea. Sharm helped with some of ATC makeup. She actually gave Bavs quite a thick layer of eyeliner. AND BLUSHER. Everyone said she looked like a ghost, but seriously, she looks much better than all of youuuu~ *sticks out tongue* She's cute, kay! Soon after, Sharm had to go, and the next thing I knew, Atiqah and Iza were knocking on the Black Box door. ckjcksdgvfdnbibsue! Atiqah tried calling all of us after school, but she didn't get to reach any of us, so she went to Orchard Road with Ulfah. We met Din downstairs. Well, he asked if Atiqah wanted to join him in photo-taking, so she did, and invited us all along. As in, only Iza and me. Took loads of photos of OURSELVES with Din's cam. HAHA. Speech Day Performances yesterday were great! Well, as Din told us, the beginning [the speeches] were all darn boring, but the performance was all wonderful. Atiqah, Iza and I were all on top, at the Infocomm area there. I'm very used to calling it the PA room, since that's what we used to call it in Primary School. I don't know if they still do though. We had a great view up there. Afiq and Malcolm were really adorable up there. I loved the Malay Dance and Choir performance. REALLY. [call me biased and racist, yes] Halim was there. HE INSULTED HIIIMMM. So, I started beating him and all. Sorrryyy beeeeh. I really shouldn't have done that. But she told me he deserved it anyway. Sat in the middle of the Parade Square with Atiqah, Iza, Jaslyn and Sharmini, and Sharmini managed to get some food from Krystalle. I think. We were all really hungry at that point of time, and Sharm was really kind to ask for quite a lot, to share. After that, around after 7, we were joined by Timothy, Hidhir, Bavani, Hady and Rui Ting. We took more photos with Din. It was like, those type of photos where you take from the bottom up. Geddit? Never mind. But we had a fun time taking photos. Went back home with Atiqah and Hady. Had a fun, but very very very fulfilling day. YAY~ WELL DONE TO ALL
12:33 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Yay, Russell Peters is so funny. I like watching his videos. So stress-relieving. Ryan lost his wallet. We retraced our steps and couldn't find it. He went to the bubble tea shop and luckily, the auntie kept it. She recognized him, and gave it back. So, he's just darn lucky to get it back. Nothing much happened today ar. Do you know? I think you know. I have a feeling you hate me. Do you? I think you do.
8:09 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Today was a fun day yayyyy. I skipped lessons after 10.10 am to help with Speech Day. Ooh, poor little kids didn't know they had to perform for the Sec 1s. But everything turned out fine. Bryan was irritated at the fact that the other Little People didn't have a mic, so they had to shout out their lines. Only 4 of them had mics with them. Afiq is so cute. *coughfatincough* I got so excited seeing Fifi backstage, I high-fived him with two hands, and he ended up almost breaking my hands. I bit him. HAHA, in yo face. He said I was the only one who dared to fight back when he does that. I mean, it's so painful, I HAD to make it stop right? Imagined if I screamed backstage, and the Sec 1s could hear me. Woo, epic. It was kinda fun running around backstage. I was there with Bavani and friends [that makes a good show title]. I like hanging out with the Choir Sec 1s. They're so fun. I had to put makeup on for Bavani and her friend, whose name I have no idea how to spell. Bavani is so cute. teehee~ Had lunch with Fifi, Aqilah, Jaini, Sharmini, Atiqah, Hady, Bavani and Ryan. Oh my gah, it. was. so. fun. I can't describe everything that happened, but it was just fun la. There was a part where Aqilah was wearing Fifi's blazer, and Fifi, Aq and Tiq looked drunk. For some weird reason, yeah, they do. Sharm and Fifi added chilli, cheese, milo and grape juice all into the green tea bottle. It ended up looking like belacan. Ryan couldn't stop going all "Want some maaaa-ni?" Hady and Fifi are sick. End of story. But they're fun to hang out with when they're in the right mood. And I think we're slowly corrupting Ryan. Bavani is still quite innocent. For now. Ryan, Aqilah and Atiqah followed us to the Black Box. You wouldn't want to know what happened between Ryan, Hady and Malcolm, but Ryan's lucky he didn't get any blame. "Because he doesn't know our rules." Hady and I had to get the refreshments. Mrs K and Mrs Goh told us to go to the MAC LAB, so we did. Ended up, it was at the HOME EC ROOM. Argh, waste energy only. But Mdm Poon said that Drama members already took the refreshments. We have no idea who, and we can't find it. Everyone went to the hall, and Hady started showing off the hole in his pants. He's so proud of it. Praveena took a box of refreshments and told us all it's ours. But then, she told us "I actually couldn't be bothered. If everyone says we take already, then we should have it. I'll just take whatever boxes I see that's not assigned to any CCA." YAY, I salute you, woman. Eherm. I like the shocked look on your face. That was directed to someone. It's okay, it was that "OH, speak of the devil" moment. He's not a devil, mind you [smiles innocently]. Okay, well, yadayadayada. We had a Speech Day run-through, with the teachers there and all. And then, back at the Black Box. They took off make-up. Fifi and Aruna came. Fifi and Hady kept on... doing stuff. At the end of the day, well, Hady made Bavani cry. You racist bastard xD
9:39 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
To every one of my friends; I'm sorry if I have been heartless these past few days. I'm sorry if it seemed as though I don't care, and I seem more withdrawn than usual. If I seem sad, as if there's no emotion running through me, just know that it's normal. It's just that, at this point of time, I don't have my heart with me. Apparently, someone stole it, and it seems impossible for me to get it back. For one, he's too far away now, I can't reach him. Second, if he were to give it back, would I even be able to accept it? No, because he would probably have smashed EVERY SINGLE FEELING OF MINE FLAT ONTO THE FLOOR. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just feel empty now. --- Haha, Sharm, even I can't put it into my head yet. I know I saw it coming, but you ask "Why? Why do I still continue this?" Is that a question which I have to answer? Because for sure, I can't seem to find the answer to that. I spoke to Wendy about it. She sees him as "perfect". Which to me, seems true too. It's almost impossible that I have actually met someone like him. He's just different. And I told her what I found out too. And she told me, "Wow, the perfect man. I didn't expect that. But still, that doesn't stop you from making friends with him. You must never lose contact with him, ever. He's a great guy. It'd be a shame to let him pass." I think what she says is true. But even so, if I were to let go, it'd be too hard on me. If I were to hold on, it'd break me, badly. I guess it was wrong of me to pour every single feeling of mine into him. I can feel what he's feeling, and thanks to you, the days have been rainy now. Even if it does not, I can still drown myself into songs that tell my feelings at the moment. Wait, that is IF I even had feelings. He's special. Too special. But this will come to no good end. Nobody really understands what I really feel for you. Everyone, except for maybe Atiqah. Everyone else goes all "HAHA OBSESSED" or "Oi, fangirl". Atiqah teases me the same way, but deep down, she knows what I am feeling. Why do you think then, out of all my bebehs, I call HER my "wifey"? The rest of you can live with your assumptions. "You just think you're in love." A good friend of mine said that. Makes me wonder, if this is really love that I'm feeling. Obsession? How do you tell it apart from love. Other than my usual "I wanna launch/hug/bite him" and whatever other remarks, no, I don't mean what I say. I say that when I am actually feeling happy, which is kind of once in a while for now. I actually care. And I don't care WHAT, WHO, and WHY he is what he is, I accept him with open arms. "I don't even know what you see in him." Well, yes, of course you don't. Because you're not me. I can't put into words what I see in him. There's something, but I can't say what. I don't know. He's special to me like how your boyfriend is special to you. Those comments being passed around about his flaws. He's soft, he's sissy, he's gay... Do I look like I care? No, I don't. I don't even care if he hurts me one way or another, I can't even be bothered if he actually hates me. I have to live with it, and as a friend, instead of telling me about how much he sucks, should actually help me get over him. Console me. Make me happy. Don't hurt me worse than the state I already am in. I can't live without him like how you can't live without your boyfriends. The only way that I'm able to stay so stable is that he's the legs to my table, and if he were to break, I'd fall on my FACE. Which is close to happening now. But I'm always going to make it feel like I don't need him as much as I really need him. I need to concentrate on my studies now. Which I have been doing *pats self* I shall put you aside for now, but you're never totally off my mind. This is totally not the Shafiqah I know. I used to be so happy. Oh look at me now, filled with so much melancholy. I used to be so emotionally strong. It was a big mistake to pour my whole heart out into you, huh. "Hiding your true emotion behind a mask. A facade." I remembered that being said just now. However, I want everyone to know that I will not commit such a stupid thing as to cut myself, or tell everyone that life sucks and I'm better off dead. Life fucks us all in the ass time and time again, so just deal with it. Maybe we'll turn it around cause it's
9:26 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
I feel it everyday, it's all the same. It brings me down but I'm the one to blame. I've tried everything to get away, but here I am chasing you down again. Why do I do this? Over and over, I fall for you. Over and over, I try not to. It feels like everyday stays the same. It drags me down and I can't pull away. So many thoughts that I couldn't get out of my head. I try to live without you, but everytime I do I feel dead. I know what's best for me, but I want you instead. I'll keep on wasting my time. --- *sigh* Now that's done, I'll get on to better stuff. Today, had lunch with Atiqah, Aqilah, Fifi, Bavani, Ryan, Zulfadly, Nasuha and Iza! Had a great time yo. Very fun. "Want some maaaaa-ni?" Went to Novena just to walk around. My sister acted like such an ass. I won't elaborate. Maybe I should just copy and paste my conversation with bebeh [Tiq]. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: my sister, makes me feel, so, frustrated. Atiqah. } says: asal? shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: you know the lift kat mrt kan? Atiqah. } says: yeah shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: yea, we naik ar, and then my sis stood at one corner, she bad mood for some reason ar, i dunno what. the corner as in, near the door, which means that when the door opens, her rambot or whatever kan tersangkot ar. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: so, i push her lightly towards the front, away from the door. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: and then, she started swinging her arms at me and gave me this vnkjvbfds attitude and then she was standing REAL close to the door, her face facing it, her hands on it. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: and then, this woman in the lift pushed her back instead, and that was when i said "ah, padan kau..." and then when we klua only, my sis went into a rage and started venting her anger on everybody. Atiqah. } says: like how? shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: when my mum pukul her, she still had the GUTS to say "tak sakeeetttt" and like, tried to mimic what my mum said, just without words an gave my mum this very irritated face. effff siaaa. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: like, anybody want to hold her hand, she pukul. she stand in front of you, she make faces, and really annoying ones that are not funny. she'll stand behind you and start stepping onto your shoe and when you scold her, she'll beat you. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: WTF AAARRR. Atiqah. } says: WTF Atiqah. } says: like my adek sia Atiqah. } says: like wont admit his wrongdoings XD shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: YES, she wont shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: and when she gets reminded of it, she'll go psycho on everyone's ass. shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: which is why i hate it so much when in front of my friends, she's all goody. Atiqah. } says: OOOH Atiqah. } says: I SEE IT NW Atiqah. } says: k ill hate her XD shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: HAHAHAHAH xD shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: not HATE her ar, just know that she isnt as innocent as she looks xD Atiqah. } says: ehehehe okie shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: you know, whenever iskandar comes close to me, she'll go into a rampage too. and drag iskandar away and talk about how "unfair" we are and say that we dont love her Atiqah. } says: HAHAHAH shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: and just now, iskandar tried to tell me something, and then she went onto the chair and she told me she "wants to go to the back", so, i gave way, and then she came in between us and pushed me away and started hitting iskandar and started making fun of us shafiqah.othman | mtughammad jkghaghipqrtujklmnghiwxyzam abghimn ghamghid says: and when we try to tell her not to do so, I HATE HATE HATE IT WHEN SHE GOES "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Sorry for the Singlish and whatnot. And then Tiq told our little siblings to get married. WHICH THEY SHOULD BECAUSE THEY'RE SO SIMILAR. Alright, going now. Byezxxsxzxs.
7:16 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Yesterday was fun, although there was some shitz. There was some tall blonde-haired blue-eyed tattooed and pierced mamat who tried asking for my number. Well, F THAT! I stood there "wtf-ing" myself and I walked away with Tiq and Nas and we proceeded to the MRT station to meet Iza and Halim. Wait, I just have to add this in. A red PSP makes me and Tiq go "EEEEH MR DIIIINNNN!" Iza was so cute, pretty in green. Halim was... well he kind of reminded me of... well, yea, never mind yo. He jumped over a wall, a very small one, and since there was no other way to walk, I had to do it too, and I fell onto my bottom. DAMN YOU MANZ. We did some walking and all, and were NOT late for the choir concert, but late enough to not be able to choke the front seats. Tiq left her tix [hey, same as her name!] at home, and Mr Khairul was kind enough to smuggle her in. [imagines him stuffing her into a case] That's not what happened. While I was getting my ticket torn, Mr Khairul went all "JUST GO IN JUST GO IN GO GO GO" at Tiq, so she ran in next to me. Awww, bebeh. The choir concert was wonderful. WONDERFUL. I loved it. I managed to record it onto my MP4, but I didn't get the first half of the concert before the interval. Wasted. No photos, unfortunately. I wish I had some. We wanted to go and eat, and Halim made us walk around in circles for like 30 minutes. I think. What could have been only a 5 minute walk became a long and tiring journey. [to me] Hady insisted I blame it on him. He said "It was my fault that I did not bring all of you the right way, and I followed him just like all of you did, so just put the blame on me." And whenever I blame Halim, Hady goes all "Blame me! What part of that don't you understand?" HAHAHA. We ended up eating Long John's again. There's so much to say, but my mind isn't functioning properly. I am not sorry.
2:50 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Infatuation? Love? Affection? EH!? This is really frustrating. I want to tell you straight out, in the face, but would you even care? Maybe I should just keep my feelings to myself. This is absurd. Why now, why you? Now I'm wondering if I can ever get over you, once you leave and all. I hate you. I love you. I don't need you. I need you. Argh, I've gone crazy. You're impossible to get, and almost the same to let go of. Other than that, I just feel really, really confused. *breathes* Okay, well, today is Tiq's birthday! [12/04] HAPPY BIRTHDAY WIFEY! *cheers* Gotta keep a happy face [despite all these jumbly thoughts in my head]. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GET FOR HER! But she said she'll accept belated gifts. Maybe I have enough time to think about what to give her then? Hmmm... Why can't Aq go manz. Oh yea, she's saving up. But at least go out with us la hunnyyyy. It's okay, I guess. Later on is Anderson Choir. [CHEERS FRANTICALLY] WOO WOO WOOOO! I'll be meeting Tiq in approximately 4 hours [4 pm] and then from there we'll go to Vicky Concert Hall at 7.30 pm, where the choir concerts ends at 9.30 pm. Fifi can't perform! Darn darn darn darn. And to think he was one of the people I wanted to go see perform. Well, I guess... It can't be helped. He's been practicing and his mum doesn't allow him to perform just like that. NOOOO. I think the only thing I can say to you right now is to study harder, dear friend. FIFIIII. But there's still Aruna and Tabitha, YAY! Oh, and Tiq and I don't know who to bring along with us for the 4 pm outing. There's so many people going, but for some weird reason, we don't know who. Damian wanted to go, but he didn't get the tickets on time. I wanted Ryan to go, but he had to go church. I wanted Aqilah to go, but then she had no money. I wanted Nas to go, but she had to go Sentosa before the concert. I wanted Iza to go, but she had no money too [and she's going to Sentosa with Nas]. Arrrgh. Ideas? IDEEAAASSS? I'll find someone. I'll find people! I'll find a way!
12:14 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Now in computer lab. Tiq's making this beautiful mindmap for science. Aaaah, I'm inspired to make one too, but it'll probably turn out shitty. Her birthday's this Sat [WEEE] and she's going for the choir concert. So, I guess we can say that it can be considered a birthday outing or something. We hope Aqilah and Zul can tag along, but they claim they have no money. Oooo, and I made a new friend today. Ryan Keith Almodiel [sp?] He's nice HAHA. He reminds me Mirza for some reason... [not Mirza in Anderson, btw] And he looks like Timothy! We [Fi, Aq, Tiq, Myself and Ryan] were talking about decks. And I found out there's a place called Essex, [or was it Esseex? or Assex, Asseex?] Tiq and I went around "measuring" the guys'. Just like Iskandar, Atiqah likes to disturb random people. Just by waving, nothing much. Iskandar likes to stare. HAHAHAHAHAJbcjsbachjbjvgbkjfds. I want to do homework ar. Byeszxzxsxz.
4:21 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
I brought my homework to Malaysia for nothing. There wasn't even enough time to do it. All we did was go around to shop for stuff for the new house, and clean up the roach-infested area. My homework was left rotting away in the ridiculous-looking blue and red bag. I ended up not going to school today [7.04.08] just to get it done. And I haven't even started HAHAHAHA. Baba got a new phone, and it's so darn nice! I have no idea what model it is, but it's Samsung. Any phone with good picture quality and a rear and front camera is good. IT'S GOOOOOD! Have a couple of nice photos. It's all on my Facebook. Oh, and for the sketch? Click here. I really hope he likes it. [psst he said i made his eyes look nice HAHA]
12:15 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
2/5 is so nice, I wish I was part of them. 2/3 is not enthu at all. But I still love my class. [or do I?] I'd probably be touched to tears if I were you. Oh, which other teacher would they have done that for? Proof you're special, man. I love them because most of my best friends come from there. Fifi, Atiqah, Praveena, Aruna, Tabitha, Nanthini. And not forgetting the fact that the class is so united and enthu. It's just so... fun! Blasting songs at the end of the day. Singing together and stuff like that. ARGH, why can't MY class be like that? Eeeeee. You're one special dude. You got the class any teacher would want. Who cares if their classroom is dirty, or academic-wise, they're not so good? They love you, and that's all that counts. I've given him the sketch, I'll put it up some other day. I'm in Malaysia right now. Cleaning up the house was so tiring. But kind of fun, in a way. MY ROOM IS YELLOW? WHAT RUBBISH IS THAT? I'll think about how I'll deco the interior.
11:02 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tomorrow I'm going to Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, actually. Out to see the new house. WOO! Ok, well, we need to get the keys first. Well, school has been alright. I guess. ARGH, I don't KNOW. There's so much homework manz. Maths was hard. I don't know why, but I can understand perfectly well in class, however, when applying it to questions, it just doesn't seem... right. They normally come out wrong anyway. But when I get it right, it means I've grasped that particular topic quite well already. Oh well, learn from mistakes. If TG is coming back next week, that means BK will be gone. So, I'll seize the opportunity to give him the sketch tomorrow. I'll post it up only after I've given it to him. HEHE. Art was quite fun. We did... what was that called again? I can't remember, so I'll just use the term "dotting". I still think I look freaky xD But the background, in overall, is nice. I want to go to ATC tomorrow, but Abah doesn't allow me to. This is the first time I actually don't want to skip ATC when given the chance to do so. Suddenly, my CCA seems so fun! I like, like, like. I want to stay. STAAAAYYYY. As in, stay, because I want to go for CCA. Hmph. Abah bought me a book to learn German. COLLOQ. GERMAN! :D Yay, thankies. But I haven't had much time to learn it anyway. Exams, ja.
7:55 PM
I do not want a tagboard.