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I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
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» Featured song: 君に願いを
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
shafiqah othman.
soundtracks to my soul ♥
![]() Friendster MySpace e-mail: zhafhiey@hotmail.com MSN: ixixy@hotmail.com ![]() He changed my life, he cleaned me up, he found my heart like only HE can. He made me discover myself, he's my drive, my inspiration, my voice, my soul, my song, my heart, my hero. ♥ I don't think I can ever have built a passion and found a dream if I had never found him. He makes my day each time, and every song he has written is etched in my mind, my heart and my soul. I am very protective of this man because I don't like people making fun of whoever it is that has left an impact in my life. He is all I need right now to keep me going to achieve my dreams. And don't be jealous that a guy in magenta nail polish can get more chicks than you. ![]() GERARD WAY, the first. He is undeniably an awesome person with a wonderful personality. He is always all-smiles and not forgetting he has a lovely smile. Whoever fails to love this man fails so much, because they are definitely blind. I knew him before I knew Miyavi, and he did the first few jobs to straightening my life out before handing it all over to him. He got married to someone else already, but I am happy for him, of course I am (: He has been the bestest there is for the past 2 years I was obsessed over him.
![]() Bill makes awesome music and he, although young, is very talented and expressive. Miyavi is more expressive than he is, but hey! Bill just turned 19, and he definitely has a long way to go. He earned success through hard work and diligence, and for that, I love him to bits. He hasn't really done anything to change my life, but he's wonderful nonetheless. And yes, it's a he. A guy who happens to have long hair so you people think he's a girl. A guy whose face is effeminate and prettier than all you other guys out there. You're just jealous that a guy in black nailpolish can earn more chicks than you, just like Miyavi. ![]() WILLIAM BECKETT, my laughing gas. He's cute, I know. He's funny, even more. He's tall, has a great smile, wonderful personality, great sense of humor, wonderful singing voice, he's so... wow. I am not in love with him, but I pretty much look up to him and his group of friends, which includes oddities like Chislett, Mike Carden, Sisky and The Butcher to always make me feel better on days I'm feeling quite blue. They never fail to slap a smile onto my face because they are awesome and funny like that. Whoever has not seen these guys in action, but go and watch them ASAP because they. are. the. shiz. Great humourous bunch of people, who make awesome music as well. Who can't possibly love them!?
![]() JOE JONAS, satisfaction
People who know me well, know damn well I do not like this guy. I don't even like him now, I'm just in this for the thrill. So yea, I don't hate him as much as I used to, but I don't like him much either. But, I'll have you know he's a damn good kisser and I should know, yes, I should know. And his saliva tastes like cherry/mint. No, don't even ask. Oooo, scandalous. And I just thought that after everything that happened, he deserved at least a mention for satisfying my lust.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Relieved. Oh so relieved. omgomgomgomgomgomgomg. SO RELIEEEVED. I'm sure everything will be fine from here on, honey! :D God be with YOUUUUUU! Oh, and don't lie. I'll hunt you down and kill you. No, joking. I just have something to hand over to you. SO DON'T LIE.
9:44 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
You egoistical piece of shit. You've cause so much chaos, so much uproar. You have no idea how selfish you are. You unfair, snobbish, asshole. Ok, I'm done. I was going through Kelly Clarkson's songs, and it's all so amazing. Oh, and Reba McEntire is an amazing singer too. And speaking of Kelly, that reminds me of Liam Kyle Sullivan's KELLY. That man-bitch. HAHA.
7:38 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
I'll start with what happened in the beginning. I'm starting to NOT not like Mr Chan as much I did last time. He's okay actually, if you actually listened to his lessons. It's really interesting. He ended up explaining to us 'The Carbon Cycle" using Literature and Drama. Plays, actually. It was good timing, because right after that was Mr Khairul's reading lesson. We don't learn to read, just read. He's our Literature too, by the way. So, the library's air-conditioner was busted or wasn't on for some reason, so we ended up spending the rest of our 1 hour in complete... Wait, I forgot what word to use. Anyway, let's just say it was so god damn hot. And if people were to ask if it was because of his presence, I disagree, but I agree to some extent too. Anyways, we were looking through this book filled with nice scenery pictures taken by some professional photographer whose name I did not take any interest in. But the photos were superb! That guy even took a photo of 2 naked people lying on the beach, suntanning or whatever. Mr Khairul covered that photo, saying we weren't supposed to see it. I took his hand away, saw it, and Aqilah went all "Oh... fuck" and covered her mouth. Not because she noticed her mistake, she was just awestruck by the nakedness. So, there was this mini conversation that went... Mr Khairul: Girls your size shouldn't be using such big words.So in other words, you can say that the word "vulgarity" is now a new swear word. I learnt that during the old times that "NUDITY IS A FORM OF PURITY". Which should explain why there were so many paintings of people who were naked. Xiu Ming asked why the "thing" so small, so Mr Khairul explained that the "thing" is so small because the focus is not on that part. There's so much more to this 1 hour than you think. I wish my fingers and mind weren't as lazy as it is. Sad to say though, I think I am learning "new-but-not-supposed-to-be-taught" things during Mr Khairul's lessons. I think I bring home the wrong information all the time. HAHA, sorry. I do study too, okay. Not trying to bring your reputation down, but... WAIT. This is where I want to start ranting my !@#$%^& off. Below has NOTHING to do with lessons or Mr Khairul. That's for sure. I bet many people out there know WHO is going to replace our beloved *eherm* Literature teacher. I never knew how much HE sucked, but today I was given the priviledge to get to know that. When he was supposed to introduce himself to us, he told us all to keep quiet and "be fair", let him explain and then we can ask him questions. He talked in this very... eurgh... manner [for a lack of better words]. Well, no 'good' teacher stands on the table to tell everyone that he is 'superior' and everyone must listen to him. If you don't know something, ask to reassure. Not just act like you've been there all your life. Do not underestimate us. We are not 'nothing'. We are 'something'. You act so stuck-up, ARGH! There's nothing much I can say. Once you come in, I don't want to work under you. You... you... cow poo. That was so lame, I just can't think right now. Oh, and I heard that Bill, hasn't taken the operation yet? Or has he? I hope he did. He must! You have no more time to consider it. It's for your own good, before you completely lose your voice. It hurts to love you as much as I do, only to look at you and see that you DON'T CARE. Nobody would actually give this a shit anyway, but you people should know better than to call him gay. [calling both Bill and someone else "gay"] You wouldn't want the same "crying" scene happening again.
6:03 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
2/3 '08 got 6 certificates! We topped in so many subjects, it's so amazing. Well, I didn't go up to get anything, and it isn't that surprising. I must say, I am not that much of an 'academic' person. The first time, Pooven didn't go up to get the certificate, and when we all asked him to, he stood up and started talking the moment they announced the names of those who are getting certificates for the Higher Chinese Language. Not trying to be racist or anything, but it just seemed weird having an Indian guy walking up when they're announcing the results for a Chinese. I bet people went all "OMG WTF, an Indian guy!?" Ok then, back to some business. Right now, I owe Ms Ng only one piece of homework. YAY! I willingly gave her my ez-link card during Maths period, because I knew she wanted to take it anyway. She wasn't angry or anything, she just started smiling and said "Ooooh, so you know it's you?" She told me that if I'm left with only one, then she'll give it back to me. Turns out, I only have one left, and the moment she took it away, I got it back! HAHA. I got the Cross Country & Games Day Photos from Din. Hooray! I've been wanting them for so long, and I finally got them. Most of the photos are dark, so I adjusted the brightness and contrast. Uploading it all on Facebook, and if the same error message from yesterday pops up, well... DAMN IT ALL! I don't know how Bill is doing. I hope he's fine. I hope everything went smoothly. I still am really very worried, and so far, there's no news yet. Aww, come on Bill... God, please look after him. Oh, and have I mentioned that Mr Fadzly is actually quite good? He isn't as bad as I thought he was. Well, he did make me kind of, 'hate' him, on the first lesson, but he turned out okay after all. He's quite nice actually. he gave "Bobo" Merci chocolates because our group won Geo-pardy! Yea! It was melted, but it's really very nice. We ended up sucking it. Yes, sucking it. Ah, Abah is finally back from Malacca! I guess I'll leave things till here then.
7:55 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
WHY YOU? WHY OUT OF EVERYONE, YOU? I thought the Laryngitis was bad enough, BUT THIS? The cyst... NO. This cannot be happening. Why must it? Just when we all thought you were getting better, we got news that you have a nub in your throat. A cyst. I feel like going to wherever you are right now, and reassure you that everything will be fine. I want to hold you in my arms so as to be there for you, at all times. I'm so worried, I don't know whether to scream or cry. You probably don't know how much you really mean to me, but yes, you mean to me this much. And rehab after that, vocal lessons to get your voice back. I don't want you to lose your voice. I want your old voice. That one special voice, belonging to only you. The beautiful melodious voice that lured me to you. There's really nothing I can do but get down on my knees and pray. We all will. I believe someone as strong-willed as you will pull through. All the best of luck, and take care, Bill...
6:47 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
He really isn't gone. I am so glad. Which means I can go to school happy tomorrow. HAHA. I just finished my Literature homework. I SWEAR I didn't know what the hell to write. I went all emo because that's what Aqilah encouraged me to do. I guess it should be alright. I hope. Tomorrow's a fun day. Yeak.
10:12 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Damn, shut up with the same things already. I want you to follow my advice out of respect, and I won't be pitying you just because you're miserable. What else am I supposed to do for you? I want to help you, but you don't let me. So, I'm forced to sit here and listen to your stupid stories. Sorry. But eurgh. Rant rant rant rant. Ooh, and this is nice. I'm not even angry.Danke to Din for introducing me to this song. Well, that was a long time ago. I just gained interest in it after I listened to someone playing it on Daigasso.
4:34 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
![]() ![]() Nawww, so sweet, so cute. I miss your blonde streaks. To top it all off, I miss your voice :( Ich bin nicht ich wenn du nicht bei mir bist.
11:48 PM
I trusted you in every way, But not enough to make you stay. Turn around. I've lost my ground. You should really stop being so mystical and next time. Just out with the truth. I heard that Bill's health is getting better, and I'm so glad. Get a few more days of rests before getting back into action, dear. I hate cowards. I really do. Why are you picking on young children like that huh? Why can't you just face her yourself? Why are you sending some stupid-looking person who claims to be tough to threaten her over the internet? There's nothing I can do, I was forced to keep shut about it. But if given the chance, I would fight you back with my powers of wit. Those who think they have strength, are nothing compared to my powerful words of wisdom. HAHA. Oh, and here's something I made. I think it makes great sense, does it not? Love can destroy something just as beautiful. Do you know those times where you develop romantic feelings for a good friend of yours, and upon confessing, your friendship breaks up slowly, little by little? I'm sure there are people who have experienced it, and I am one of them. But that was a long time ago. Which is why you have to be careful. And here's something that made my day today :D ![]() That's my display picture for MSN btw. Isn't baby just oh so adorable? ^^ [ r a z e r ] says:Awesome, ja? That's proof that Bill is actually attractive. I like pretty boy. And I love this pretty boy. Gute Besserung, love.
11:24 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Many weeks have passed since the last time I've posted. It's not that I'm lazy, I just don't want to. I have many other things to do than this. Anyways, I have already returned to the forums, and I am glad I did. It had some server problem, so they made a backup forum. I'll make do with it for now. Well, Bill is sick. Down with Laryngitis and I'm worried sick. You don't know how much that guy means to me, and how much he has done to change my life. The songs he sings and everything else. I don't know how to explain it, but he really had done a lot. He's just different and unique. I need his voice everyday to actually keep going and the thought of his voice not being able to work for now is so... I have no idea what to say. You don't know how it feels like because you're not me. Bill means a lot to me... Oh, and Mr Khairul is leaving soon. Can things get any worse? I started school again in hopes things would get better, but this is what I get. Bill getting sick and Mr Khairul leaving. Not now, but soon. I don't want to Lit Rep anymore. Argh. But meh... Life goes on. There's always Tokio Hotel. They helped me get through tought times, I can't see why they can't help me now. They're my saviours. There's so many things to say, and I don't know where to start. Maybe I should just stop. Bill... I hope he gets better soon. I feel so scared. I'm trembling, and I think I'm going to break soon. I need that voice. It's the soundtrack to my soul. Whatever would my soul be without it? Alright then. Till here. Oh, and I'm moving in June. I'm leaving school after SA2. Tata~
2:11 AM
I do not want a tagboard.